
College Counseling

The Bayside Academy college counseling program aims to assist each student in making educational choices that will foster his/her personal, educational, and social development. As such, the program is highly personalized and specifically tailored to each student with student-specific college searches and a targeted approach to college selection.

View Our Profile

List of 5 items.

  • 100%

    of Bayside seniors are admitted to college
  • > $7m

    in scholarships are offered to our graduating class annually on average
  • > 92%

    of students earn merit- or talent-based scholarships on average
  • 2

    full-time college counselors offer over 25 years of experience
  • > 30

    visits by college admissions officers to Bayside each year

College Counseling Events

Our students go on to attend:

Meet the College Counselors

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Ellen Blackwell

    Ellen Blackwell 

    Director of College Counseling
    (251) 338-6471
  • Photo of Elizabeth Thomason

    Elizabeth Thomason 

    College Counselor
    (251) 338-6342
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